Okendo Integration - 2023.12.04

What's new?

You can now deep-dive into your Okendo reviews data using our new integration, explore, and dashboard!

When will this be available?

The integration is still in beta but is now available to add as an integration or all customers:

Enabling the explore and dashboard

Growth accounts

If you have a Growth account, you just need to set up the Okendo integration and trigger a history load. Once you do this, you will see the Okendo Reviews explore in your explore list and the Okendo Reviews dashboard in your dashboards list.

Enterprise accounts

If you have an Enterprise account, please reach out to support@daasity.com to help you set up the explore and dashboard. Or, if you are using our Hub & Spoke Looker setup, you can simply add the following line of code to your addons.lkml file:

include: "//base_daasity/**/integration/okendo/*"

Once enabled, type "Okendo" into the search bar in the upper right of your Looker instance to find the explore and dashboard. The dashboard will be available in the LookML Dashboards folder.

Learn more

Check out our Okendo documentation for more details!

Last updated