Hub & Spoke File Structure

Key files and folders

Here's more details on the key folders and files in the Hub & Spoke setup

  • imported_projects/ - (NOTE: You will only see this folder when you're in Looker, because Looker is importing the project from the hub "virtually"; The folder and its files won't actually be visible in your GitHub repo.) Contains all the files imported into your Looker instance. You cannot edit any files in this folder, but you can reference them from other files in your project. Looker support has more info on imported projects here.

    • base_daasity/ - Contains all the files imported from the Base Daasity hub project into your project.

      • dashboards/ - Contains LookML dashboard files with the latest versions of Daasity-managed dashboards.

        • beta/ - Contains LookML dashboard files that are still in beta and are not generally available. These dashboards are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder.

        • deprecated/ - Contains LookML dashboard files that have been deprecated. These dashboards are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder.

        • integrations/ - Contains all of the integration-specific dashboards, e.g.: Gorgias, Loop Returns. These dashboards are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder. Note that if you haven't enabled these integrations in the Daasity app and in your transformation code, these dashboards will have no data.

        • rollup/ - Contains dashboards that are used by rollup accounts. Rollup accounts aggregate data from multiple brands into a single model. This may not be applicable to your business, and these dashboards are not enabled by default.

        • *.dashboard.lkml files - The dashboard files contained directly in the dashboards folder are the Base Daasity dashboards that will show up by default in the LookML dashboards folder.

      • explores/ - Contains all of the Base Daasity explores that your business users can use to create their own custom analyses using our base data model. Each explore is in its own explore.lkml file.

        • beta/ - Contains explores that are still in beta and are not generally available. These explores are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder.

        • deprecated/ - Contains explores that have been deprecated. These explores are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder.

        • integration/ - Contains all of the integration-specific explores, e.g.: Gorgias, Loop Returns. These explores are hidden by default unless you include them in your addons file in the base_config folder. Note that if you haven't enabled these integrations in the Daasity app and in your transformation code, these dashboards will have no data.

        • rollup/ - Contains explores that are used by rollup accounts. Rollup accounts aggregate data from multiple brands into a single data model. This may not be applicable to your business, and these dashboards are not enabled by default.

        • *.explore.lkml files - The explore files contained directly in the explores folder are the Base Daasity explores that will show up by default under "Daasity Explores" in the explore menu.

      • views/ - Contains all of the view files used in the Base Daasity Explores.

  • base_config/ - Contains files to set up the Base Daasity model. Files in this folder are editable.

    • *_base_daasity.model.lkml - This file defines the database connection that will be used by the Base Daasity explores and pulls together all of the files needed to configure the Base Daasity explores and dashboards imported from the hub. The actual name of this file will be specific to your business. This file should be edited with caution.

    • addons.lkml - Defines which add-ons should be added to your collection of Base Daasity explores and dashboards. Only explores and dashboards that live in the top-level dashboards and explores folders in the hub are enabled by default. This file is where you would enable additional add-ons, like integration-specific explores and dashboards or beta explores and dashboards. -> See instructions for enabling add-ons

    • optional_settings.lkml - Defines shared settings used by all of the Base Daasity explores, e.g.: week start day and case sensitivity for filters.

  • base_refinements/ - The folder is meant to contain all of the refinement files you would use to customize the Base Daasity code to your business needs. Upon initial setup, it contains a handful of example refinement files to help you get started. Files in this folder are editable.

  • custom/ - This folder is used to house any code you write to create new, custom explores and views that are not dependent on any Base Daasity code, or if you want to write custom views to join to Base Daasity explores. It contains an example custom explore that uses an example custom view to help you get started.

    • *_custom.model.lkml - This file defines the database connection and optional settings to use for custom explores.

  • manifest.lkml: Contains important configuration settings that are required for your the Hub & Spoke model to operate correctly. Typically, this file should never be edited after initial setup.

  • manifest_lock.lkml: This is a system file used by Looker to keep track of whether your spoke files are synced with the hub.

Explore files

Our Hub & Spoke setup separates explores into their own files rather than containing many directly in a model file.

If you need to create a custom explore, first create a generic LookML file:

... and then include .explore in the file name:

Once you create the explore under the custom section, it will automatically be added to your Custom model and will show up under the Custom Explores grouping.

Last updated

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