Integration Setup

To Connect Amazon Advertising to Daasity Please follow the steps below.

You will need Owner Access of your Amazon Account to Connect to Daasity

Steps for Connecting Amazon Ads

Step 1: Integrations

Click Integrations from Left-Side Menu Bar

Step 2: New Integration

Click the New Integration Button on top-right of screen

Step 3: Amazon Advertising icon

Click the Amazon Advertising icon from the Integration Page

Step 4: Authorize Daasity

Authorize Daasity to Connect to API

You will need Owner Access of your Amazon Account to Connect to Daasity

Sign in to your Amazon Account

Step 5: Allow Daasity to Connect

Allow Daasity to Connect to your Amazon API

Step 6: Choose Region and Marketplace

Connect Your Amazon Region and Marketplace IDs
Choose the Region from the Dropdown list
Choose the correct Amazon ID to Connect

Step 7: Load Historical Data

Amazon Ads API limits historical data pull to 3 years (36 months)

Due to Amazon API restrictions it can take time for data to load

Last updated