Integration Specifications
Integration Overview
Google is the place people go to search for information, places, products, and more, so this is where brands want to make sure they have a presence. Show up when users search in text, product listing, video ads, and more with Ads.
The Daasity Google Ads integration extracts key advertising information from the Google platform, like spend, clicks, and impressions. Because Google has several networks, info is available in the area of Google (i.e., Youtube, Text Search) and by the campaign.
Integration Availability
This integration is available for:
API Endpoints
The Daasity Google Ads extractor is built based on this Google Ads API Documentation. The following endpoints are used by Daasity to replicate data from Google Ads.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Click here to view the ERD for the Daasity Google Ads integration illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.
Google Ads Schema
The Daasity Google Ads extractor creates these tables using the endpoints and replication methods listed. The data is mapped from the source API endpoint to the table based on the mapping logic outlined in each table.
Endpoint: Reports
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | id |
Date | date |
Device | device |
BusinessName | business_name |
AccountDescriptiveName | account_descriptive_name |
Automated | automated |
AdGroupId | ad_group_id |
AdType | ad_type |
AdNetworkType1 | ad_network_type1 |
AdNetworkType2 | ad_network_type2 |
ActiveViewCpm | active_view_cpm |
ActiveViewCtr | active_view_ctr |
ActiveViewImpressions | active_view_impressions |
AverageCost | average_cost |
AverageCpc | average_cpc |
AverageCpm | average_cpm |
AverageCpv | average_cpv |
AveragePosition | average_position |
CallToActionText | call_to_action_next |
Clicks | clicks |
Conversions | conversions |
ConversionValue | conversion_value |
Cost | cost |
AllConversions | all_conversions |
AllConversionValue | all_conversion_value |
CreativeDestinationUrl | creative_destination_url |
CrossDeviceConversions | cross_device_conversions |
Ctr | ctr |
Description | description |
DisplayUrl | display_url |
GmailTeaserHeadline | gmail_teaser_headline |
Headline | headline |
ImageCreativeName | image_creative_name |
Impressions | impressions |
Interactions | interactions |
InteractionTypes | interaction_types |
MainColor | main_color |
AccentColor | accent_color |
MarketingImageHeadline | marketing_image_headline |
MarketingImageDescription | marketing_image_description |
ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines | responsive_search_ad_headlines |
ResponsiveSearchAdDescriptions | responsive_search_ad_descriptions |
Status | status |
VideoQuartile25Rate | video_quartile25_rate |
VideoQuartile50Rate | video_quartile50_rate |
VideoQuartile75Rate | video_quartile75_rate |
VideoQuartile100Rate | video_quartile100_rate |
VideoViews | video_views |
ViewThroughConversions | view_through_conversions |
Google Adwords Account ID | adwords_client_id |
MD5(Id + Date + Device + AdGroupId + AdType + AdNetworkType1 + AdNetworkType2) | _key |
ID of Merchant in Daasity App | _account_id |
timestamp when data was extracted from Shopify | __synced_at |
Ad Groups
Endpoint: Reports
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | id |
Date | date |
Device | device |
CampaignId | campaign_id |
AdGroupId | ad_group_id |
AdGroupName | ad_group_name |
AdGroupStatus | ad_group_status |
AdGroupType | ad_group_type |
AdNetworkType1 | ad_network_type1 |
AdNetworkType2 | ad_network_type2 |
AdRotationMode | ad_rotation_mode |
CpcBid | cpc_bid |
CpmBid | cpm_bid |
CpvBid | cpv_bid |
ViewThroughConversions | view_through_conversions |
AllConversionRate | all_conversion_rate |
ConversionRate | conversion_rate |
AllConversionValue | all_conversion_value |
ConversionValue | conversion_value |
Cost | cost |
Google Adwords Account ID | adwords_client_id |
MD5(AdGroupId + Date + Device + CampaignId + AdGroupType + AdNetworkType1 + AdNetworkType2) | _key |
ID of Merchant in Daasity App | _account_id |
timestamp when data was extracted from Shopify | __synced_at |
Endpoint: Reports
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | id |
Date | date |
Device | device |
CampaignGroupId | campaign_group_id |
CampaignId | campaign_id |
CampaignName | campaign_name |
CampaignStatus | campaign_status |
ViewThroughConversions | view_through_conversions |
AllConversions | all_conversions |
Conversions | conversions |
CrossDeviceConversions | cross_device_conversions |
AllConversionRate | all_conversions_rate |
ConversionRate | conversion_rate |
AllConversionValue | all_conversion_value |
Cost | cost |
Google Adwords Account ID | adwords_client_id |
MD5(AdGroupId + Date + Device + CampaignId + AdGroupType + AdNetworkType1 + AdNetworkType2) | _key |
ID of Merchant in Daasity App | _account_id |
timestamp when data was extracted from Shopify | __synced_at |
Endpoint: Reports
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | id |
Date | date |
AdGroupId | ad_group_id |
CpcBid | cpc_bid |
CpmBid | cpm_bid |
EstimatedAddClicksAtFirstPositionCpc | estimated_add_clicks_at_first_position_cpc |
EstimatedAddCostAtFirstPositionCpc | estimated_add_cost_at_first_position_cpc |
FirstPageCpc | first_page_cpc |
FirstPositionCpc | first_position_cpc |
TopOfPageCpc | top_of_page_cpc |
CreativeQualityScore | creative_quality_score |
KeywordMatchType | keyword_match_type |
PostClickQualityScore | post_click_quality_score |
QualityScore | quality_score |
SearchPredictedCtr | search_predicted_ctr |
Status | status |
UrlCustomParameters | url_custom_parameters |
ActiveViewCpm | active_view_cpm |
Clicks | clicks |
Impressions | impressions |
Interactions | interactions |
AverageCost | average_cost |
AverageCpc | average_cpc |
AverageCpm | average_cpm |
AverageCpv | average_cpv |
AveragePosition | average_position |
Conversions | conversions |
ConversionValue | conversion_value |
CostPerAllConversion | cost_per_all_conversion |
CostPerConversion | cost_per_conversion |
Ctr | ctr |
SearchExactMatchImpressionShare | search_exact_match_impression_share |
SearchImpressionShare | search_rank_lost_impression_share |
SearchRankLostImpressionShare | value_per_all_conversion |
ValuePerAllConversion | value_per_conversion |
Google Adwords Account ID | adwords_client_id |
MD5(Id + Date + Device + AdGroupId) | _key |
ID of Merchant in Daasity App | _account_id |
timestamp when data was extracted from Shopify | __synced_at |
NOTE: Not all dimensions are used in transformation and/or exposed. If you would like to explore customization for this data, please contact
Last updated