Amazon All Orders Report


This dashboard enables you to analyze your raw Amazon All Orders Report data in Daasity. It combines your Amazon orders data for all of the seller accounts and marketplaces in your account. You can choose to view the data converted into the currency and timezone set in your Daasity account or to view the raw, uncoverted values as they come in the API.


If you have an Enterprise account, please reach out to to help you set up the explore and dashboard. Or, if you have developer access in Looker, you can simply add the following line of code to your addons.lkml file:

include: "//base_daasity/**/integration/amazon/*"

Once enabled, just search for "All Orders" using the search bar in Looker.

Data sources

All of the visualizations in this dashboard use the Amazon All Orders explore.

Important things to know

Discrepancies due to data lag

We pull the data to populate this dashboard during your nightly workflow — typically at midnight in your Daasity account's timezone. This means if there are any updates to the data between when the data is extracted and when you view the report, there will be a discrepancy between the data in Daasity and the data in your Amazon Seller Central UI.

Timezone settings

The raw data you extract from Amazon will be in the UTC timezone. You can use the Timezone Conversion filter to toggle between the Original (UTC) dates and Converted (uses your Daasity app timezone settings) date.

Currency settings

The raw data you extract from Amazon can contain multiple currencies in the same file. By default, we convert all currency metrics into the master currency specified in your Daasity app currency settings. You can use the Currency Conversion filter to toggle between original and converted values.

You should note, though, that using the original currencies can cause problems with visualizations, since there may be multiple currencies in a single chart.

Marketplace settings

If you are having trouble getting the numbers to match with your exports from Amazon, ensure that you are comparing apples-to-apples for marketplace settings. The dashboard by default shows results from all Amazon marketplaces connected to your account. So you may need to filter for a single marketplace when comparing with data you have exported from the Amazon UI.

Missing order lines

If you see a small discrepancy (1-2%) between the data displayed here and the raw download from your Seller Central UI, it may be due to a quirk in the All Orders report where data from the same order line can show up in multiple rows. In this event, our extractor will drop one of the rows.

Last updated