Unified Marketing Schema (UMS)

This page provides a detailed description of the Unified Marketing Schema (UMS) within the Daasity Data Model and defines each table and column in this schema


The Unified Marketing Schema (UMS) is a core data model within the Daasity transformation module that helps accelerate development of analytical capability by normalizing all marketing data. The normalized schema was designed to support all types of marketing platforms: affiliate, display, marketplace, paid search and paid social

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Click on this link to view the ERD for the Unified Marketing Schema (UMS) integration illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.

Unified Order Schema Tables

TIP: Many of the tables contain the following fields which can be used to track the data flow from the source system to the integration schema within the database and then to UOS, our normalized order schema

  • __loaded_at: defines when the record was last loaded into this table

  • __synced_at: defines when the record was last replicated from the source system into the integration tables

NOTE: Legacy code will create two additional tables [ums.master_spend] and [ums.marketing_performance]. These tables will be deprecated in the coming months as new data marts are rolled out

Vendor Performance

Purpose: Enables you to normalize marketing spend and performance metrics from different marketing platforms into a single schema for standardized reporting.

Table Name: ums.vendor_performance

Last updated