Integration Specifications
This page will help you learn about how Daasity replicates data from Criteo, limitations to the data we can extract and where the data is stored in the Criteo schema.
Integration Overview
Criteo is an ad-network for Display Ads that allows you to run campaigns and show display ads across a number of different websites and devices.
The Daasity Criteo integration enables merchants to extract key metrics from display campaigns on a daily basis to easily track and compare performance across various ad platforms. Data is transformed as part of Daasity's Unified Marketing Schema (UMS) that enables multi-platform reporting in one schema.
Integration Availability
This integration is available for:
API Endpoints
The Daasity Criteo extractor is built based on this Criteo API documentation. The following endpoints are used by Daasity to replicate data from Criteo:
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Click here to view the ERD for the Daasity Criteo integration illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.
Criteo Schema
The Daasity Criteo extractor creates these tables using the endpoints and replication methods listed. The data is mapped from the source API endpoint to the table based on the mapping logic outlined in each table.
Ad Sets
Endpoint: Ad Sets
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | adset_id |
attributes::advertiserId | advertiser_id |
attributes::campaignID | campaign_id |
attributes::name | adset_name |
attributes::schedule::startDate::value | schedule_start_date |
attributes::schedule::endDate::value | schedule_end_date |
attributes::schedule::activationStatus | schedule_activation_status |
attributes::schedule::deliveryStatus | schedule_delivery_status |
attributes::bidding::bidAmount::value | bid_amount |
attributes::bidding::bidStrategy | bid_strategy |
attributes::bidding::costController | bid_cost_controller |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::environments::inApp | delivery_inapp |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::environments::web | delivery_web |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::devices::desktop | delivery_desktop |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::devices::tablet | delivery_tablet |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::devices::mobile | delivery_mobile |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::devices::other | delivery_other_devices |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::operatingSystems::android | delivery_android |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::operatingSystems::ios | delivery_ios |
attributes::targeting::deliveryLimitations::operatingSystems::other | delivery_other_os |
attributes::targeting::frequencyCapping::maximumImpressions | maximum_impressions |
attributes::targeting::frequencyCapping::frequency | frequency |
attributes::budget::budgetStrategy | budget_strategy |
attributes::budget::budgetRenewal | budget_renewal |
attributes::budget::budgetDeliverySmoothing | budget_delivery_smoothing |
attributes::budget::budgetDeliveryWeek | budget_delivery_week |
attributes::budget::budgetAmount::value | budget_amount |
MD5(adset_id + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Ad Set Geo-Targeting Countries
Endpoint: Ad Sets
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | adset_id |
operand | operand |
country | country |
MD5(id + ':' + operand + ':' + country + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Ad Set Geo-Targeting Subdivisions
Endpoint: Ad Sets
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | adset_id |
operand | operand |
subdivision | subdivision |
MD5(id + ':' + operand + ':' + subdivision + ':' + __source_id) | sync_key |
Ad Set Geo-Targeting Zipcodes
Endpoint: Ad Sets
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | adset_id |
operand | operand |
zipcode | zipcode |
MD5(id + ':' + operand + ':' + zipcode + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Ad Set Performance Reports
Endpoint: Statistics
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
adsetId | adset_id |
Adset | adset_name |
AdvertiserId | advertiser_id |
Advertiser | advertiser_name |
AverageCartClientAttribution | aov_client |
AverageCartAllClientAttribution | aov_client_xdevice |
AverageCartPc30d | aov_click30d |
AverageCartAllPc30d | aov_click30d_xdevice |
AverageCartPv24h | aov_view1d |
AverageCartAllPv24h | aov_view1d_xdevice |
AverageCartPc30dPv24h | aov_click30d_view1d |
AverageCartAllPc30dPv24h | aov_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
AverageCartPc1d | aov_click1d |
AverageCartAllPc1d | aov_click1d_xdevice |
AverageCartPc7d | aov_click7d |
AverageCartAllPc7d | aov_click7d_xdevice |
AppInstalls | app_installs |
Audience | audience |
BounceRate | bounce_rate |
Clicks | clicks |
ConversionRateClientAttribution | cvr_client |
ConversionRateAllClientAttribution | cvr_client_xdevice |
ConversionRatePc30d | cvr_click30d |
ConversionRateAllPc30d | cvr_click30d_xdevice |
ConversionRatePv24h | cvr_view1d |
ConversionRateAllPv24h | cvr_view1d_xdevice |
ConversionRatePc30dPv24h | cvr_click30d_view1d |
ConversionRateAllPc30dPv24h | cvr_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
ConversionRatePc1d | cvr_click1d |
ConversionRateAllPc1d | cvr_click1d_xdevice |
ConversionRatePc7d | cvr_click7d |
ConversionRateAllPc7d | cvr_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallConversionRate | cvr_postinstall |
AdvertiserCost | cost |
CostPerInstall | cost_per_app_install |
CostOfAdvertiserValue | cost_per_product_revenue |
CostOfAdvertiserValueAll | cost_per_product_revenue_xdevice |
CostPerVisit | cost_per_visit |
Cpc | cpc |
ECpm | cpm |
CostPerOrderClientAttribution | cpo_client |
CostPerOrderAllClientAttribution | cpo_client_xdevice |
CostPerOrderPc30d | cpo_click30d |
CostPerOrderAllPc30d | cpo_click30d_xdevice |
CostPerOrderPv24h | cpo_view1d |
CostPerOrderAllPv24h | cpo_view1d_xdevice |
CostPerOrderPc30dPv24h | cpo_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
CostPerOrderPc1d | cpo_click1d |
CostPerOrderAllPc1d | cpo_click1d_xdevice |
CostPerOrderPc7d | cpo_click7d |
CostPerOrderAllPc7d | cpo_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallCostPerOrder | cpo_postinstall |
ClickThroughRate | ctr |
currency | currency |
Day | day |
ExposedUsers | exposed_users |
Displays | impressions |
ViewableDisplays | impressions_viewed |
NonViewableDisplays | impressions_nonviewed |
UntrackableDisplays | impressions_untracked |
PotentialDisplays | impressions_potential |
InstallRate | install_rate |
OverallCompetitionWin | overall_competition_win |
AdvertiserValue | product_revenue |
AdvertiserAllValue | product_revenue_xdevice |
Reach | reach |
RevenueGeneratedClientAttribution | revenue_client |
RevenueGeneratedAllClientAttribution | revenue_client_xdevice |
OmnichannelRevenueClientAttribution | revenue_client_omnichannel |
RevenueGeneratedPc30d | revenue_click30d |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc30d | revenue_click30d_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedOfflinePc30d | revenue_click30d_offline |
OmnichannelRevenuePc30d | revenue_click30d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelRevenueAllPc30d | revenue_click30d_omnichannel_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedPv24h | revenue_view1d |
RevenueGeneratedAllPv24h | revenue_view1d_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedOfflinePv24h | revenue_view1d_offline |
OmnichannelRevenuePv24h | revenue_view1d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelRevenueAllPv24h | revenue_view1d_omnichannel_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedPc30dPv24h | revenue_click30d_view1d |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc30dPv24h | revenue_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedPc1d | revenue_click1d |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc1d | revenue_click1d_xdevice |
RevenueGeneratedPc7d | revenue_click7d |
RevenueGeneratedAllPc7d | revenue_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallOrderValue | revenue_postinstall |
RoasClientAttribution | roas_client |
RoasAllClientAttribution | roas_client_xdevice |
OmnichannelRoasClientAttribution | roas_client_omnichannel |
RoasPc30d | roas_click30d |
RoasAllPc30d | roas_click30d_xdevice |
RoasOfflinePc30d | roas_click30d_offline |
OmnichannelRoasPc30d | roas_click30d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelRoasAllPc30d | roas_click30d_omnichannel_xdevice |
RoasPv24h | roas_view1d |
RoasAllPv24h | roas_view1d_xdevice |
RoasOfflinePv24h | roas_view1d_offline |
OmnichannelRoasPv24h | roas_view1d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelRoasAllPv24h | roas_view1d_omnichannel_xdevice |
RoasPc30dPv24h | roas_click30d_view1d |
RoasAllPc30dPv24h | roas_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
RoasPc1d | roas_click1d |
RoasAllPc1d | roas_click1d_xdevice |
RoasPc7d | roas_click7d |
RoasAllPc7d | roas_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallRoas | roas_postinstall |
ECosClientAttribution | roi_client |
ECosAllClientAttribution | roi_client_xdevice |
ECosPc30d | roi_click30d |
ECosAllPc30d | roi_click30d_xdevice |
ECosPv24h | roi_view1d |
ECosAllPv24h | roi_view1d_xdevice |
ECosPc30dPv24h | roi_click30d_view1d |
ECosAllPc30dPv24h | roi_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
ECosPc1d | roi_click1d |
ECosAllPc1d | roi_click1d_xdevice |
ECosPc7d | roi_click7d |
ECosAllPc7d | roi_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallCostOfSale | roi_postinstall |
SalesClientAttribution | sales_client |
SalesAllClientAttribution | sales_client_xdevice |
OmnichannelSalesClientAttribution | sales_client_omnichannel |
SalesPc30d | sales_click30d |
SalesAllPc30d | sales_click30d_xdevice |
SalesOfflinePc30d | sales_click30d_offline |
OmnichannelSalesPc30d | sales_click30d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelSalesAllPc30d | sales_click30d_omnichannel_xdevice |
SalesPv24h | sales_view1d |
SalesAllPv24h | sales_view1d_xdevice |
SalesOfflinePv24h | sales_view1d_offline |
OmnichannelSalesPv24h | sales_view1d_omnichannel |
OmnichannelSalesAllPv24h | sales_view1d_omnichannel_xdevice |
SalesPc30dPv24h | sales_click30d_view1d |
SalesAllPc30dPv24h | sales_click30d_view1d_xdevice |
SalesPc1d | sales_click1d |
SalesAllPc1d | sales_click1d_xdevice |
SalesPc7d | sales_click7d |
SalesAllPc7d | sales_click7d_xdevice |
PostInstallSales | sales_postinstall |
Visits | visits |
MD5(adsetId + ':' + Day + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Endpoint: Advertisers
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
categoryHashCode | category_hash_code |
categoryName | category_name |
catalogId | catalog_id |
catalogName | catalog_name |
advertiserId | advertiser_id |
advertiserName | advertiser_name |
campaignId | campaign_id |
campaignName | campaign_name |
numberOfProducts | number_of_products |
enabled | enabled |
categoryBid::bidValue | category_bid_value |
categoryBid::bidCurrency | category_bid_currency |
categoryBid::bidType | category_bid_type |
categoryBid::bidIsPending | category_bid_is_pending |
MD5(catalogId + advertiserId + campaignId + categoryHashCode) | key |
MD5(catalogId + advertiserId + campaignId + categoryHashCode) | __sync_key |
Endpoint: Advertisers
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | advertiser_id |
attributes::advertiserName | advertiser_name |
MD5(id + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Endpoint: Audiences
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | audience_id |
attributes::advertiserId | advertiser_id |
attributes::name | name |
attributes::description | description |
attributes::created | created_at |
attributes::updated | updated_at |
attributes::nbLines | nb_lines |
attributes::nbLinesEmail | nb_lines_email |
attributes::nbMathcesEmail | nb_matches_email |
MD5(id + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Endpoint: Transactions
Update Method: TRUNCSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
advertiserId | advertiser_id |
transactionId | transaction_id |
transactionDate | transaction_date |
adsetName | adset_name |
advertiserName | advertiser_name |
eventType | event_type |
eventDate | event_date |
attributedTransaction | attributed_transaction |
currency | currency |
amount | amount |
crossDeviceTransaction | cross_device_transaction |
MD5(transactionId + ':' + __source_id) | __sync_key |
Last updated