Integration Specifications
This article will help you learn about how Daasity replicates data from Salesforce Commerce Cloud, limitations to the data we can extract and where the data is stored in the Salesforce Commerce schema
Integration Overview
Salesforce Commerce Cloud empowers you to create seamless e-commerce experiences that inspire and convert today's connected shoppers. With our cloud-based e-commerce software, you can go to market faster and smarter — delivering personalized customer experiences across mobile, digital, and social platforms.
Salesforce Commerce Cloud (also known as Demandware) allows brands to build localized site, order management and fulfillment for each region in a single platform.
This document provides context on what kind of data is being gathered through this extractor, which endpoints that data is coming from, and how the extracted tables relate to each other.
Integration Availability
This integration is available for:
API Endpoints
The Daasity Salesforce Commerce Cloud extractor is broken into two sections:
Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC) endpoints are based on this OpenCommerce API Documentation to extract data from the website.
Salesforce Order Management (SOM) endpoints are based on this Salesforce Order Management API documentation to extract order data.
These endpoints are used by Daasity to replicate data from Salesforce Commerce Cloud:
Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)
Coupon Redemption Search
Inventory Lists
Salesforce Order Management (SOM)
Fulfillment Order Item Tax
Fulfillment Order Line Item
Order Adjustment Group Summary
Order Delivery Group Summary
Order Item Summary
Order Item Tax Line Summary
Order Payments Summary
Order Summary
Sales Channels
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Click here to view the ERD for the Daasity Salesforce Commerce Cloud integration illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Schema
The Daasity Salesforce Commerce extractor creates these tables using the endpoints and replication methods listed. The data is mapped from source API endpoint to the table based on the mapping logic outlined in each table.
Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)
Endpoint: SFCC Campaigns
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
campaign_id | campaign_id |
description | description |
enabled | enabled |
start_date | start_date |
end_date | end_date |
creation_date | created_at |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(campaign_id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Campaign Customer Groups
Endpoint: SFCC Campaigns
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
campaign_id | campaign_id |
customer_groups | customer_groups |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(campaign_id + customer_groups + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Campaign Coupon Codes
Endpoint: SFCC Campaigns
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
campaign_id | campaign_id |
coupons | coupon_code |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(campaign_id + coupons + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SFCC Catelogs
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | catalog_id |
creation_date | created_at |
last_modified | updated_at |
online | online_status |
name::default | catalog_name |
assigned_product_count | assigned_product_count |
category_count | category_count |
owned_product_count | owned_product_count |
recommendation_count | recommendation_count |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Catalog Sites
Endpoint: SFCC Catalogs
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
assigned_sites::id | catalog_site_id |
id | catalog_id |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(assigned_sites::id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SFCC Coupons
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
coupon_id | coupon_id |
creation_date | created_at |
last_modified | updated_at |
description | description |
enabled | coupon_enabled |
single_code | coupon_code |
total_codes_count | total_coupon_codes |
type | coupon_code_type |
redemption_limits::limit_per_code | limit_per_code |
redemption_limits::limit_per_customer | limit_per_customer |
system_codes_config::code_prefix | coupon_code_prefix |
system_codes_config::number_of_codes | max_coupon_codes |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(coupon_id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Coupon Redemptions
Endpoint: SFCC Coupon Redemption Search
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
coupon_id | coupon_id |
coupon_code | coupon_code |
customer_email | customer_email |
order_no | order_no |
creation_date | created_at |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(coupon_id + order_no + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Inventory Lists
Endpoint: SFCC Inventory Lists
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | inventory_list_id |
creation_date | created_at |
last_modified | updated_at |
default_in_stock | default_in_stock |
on_order_inventory_enabled | on_order_inventory_enabled |
use_bundle_inventory_only | use_bundle_inventory_only |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Inventory List Sites
Endpoint: SFCC Inventory Lists
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id || ':' || assigned_sites::value | inventory_list_site_id |
id | inventory_list_id |
assigned_sites::value | site_name |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + assigned_sites::value + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
brand | brand |
name::default | product_name |
type::bundle | product_is_bundle_flag |
type::bundled | product_part_of_bundle_flag |
type::item | product_item_flag |
type::master | product_master_flag |
type::option | product_option_flag |
type::part_of_product_set | part_of_product_set_flag |
type::part_of_retail_set | part_of_retail_set_flag |
type::retail_set | product_retail_set_flag |
type::set | product_set_flag |
type::variant | product_variant_flag |
type::variation_group | production_variation_group_flag |
short_description::default::source | short_description |
long_description::default::source | long_description |
page_description::default | page_description |
page_keywords::default | page_keywords |
page_title::default | page_title |
ats | available_to_sell |
default_variant_id | default_variant_id |
ean | ean |
in_stock | in_stock |
link | product_rl |
manufacturer_name | manufacturer_name |
manufacturer_sku | manufacturer_sku |
maser::master_id | product_master_id |
online_flag::default@[site_id] | online_flag |
owning_catalog_id | owning_catalog_id |
owning_catalog_name | owning_catalog_name |
price | price |
price_currency | price_currency |
primary_category_id | primary_category_id |
searchable | searchable |
unit | unit |
upc | upc |
creation_date | created_at |
last_modified | updated_at |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Categories
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
assigned_categories::catalog_id | catelog_id |
assigned_categories::category_id | category_id |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + assigned_categories::catalog_id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Bundles
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
bundled_products::id | bundled_product_id |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + bundled_products::id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Images
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
image::alt::default | alt_image_text |
image::dis_base_url | product_image_url |
image::title::default | image_title |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + image::title::default + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Options
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database column |
id | product_id |
product_options::id | product_option_id |
product_options::custom_name | custom_name |
product_options::default_product_option_value | default_option |
product_options::description::default | description |
product_options::name | product_option_name |
product_options::selected_option_value | selected_option |
product_options::shared | shared_product_option_flag |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id +product_options::id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Sets
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
product_sets::id | component_product_id |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id +product_sets::id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Variants
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
variants::product_id | product_variant_id |
variants::ats | available_to_sell |
variants::in_stock | in_stock |
variants::link | product_variant_url |
variants::online | online_flag |
variants::orderable | orderable_flag |
variants::price | price |
variants::price_currency | price_currency |
variants::searchable::default@[site_id][1] | searchable |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + variants::product_id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Product Custom Attribute Values
Endpoint: SFCC Products
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | product_id |
key | custom_attribute_key |
value | custom_attribute_value |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + key + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SFCC Promotions
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database column |
id | promotion_id |
name::default | promotion_name |
promotion_class | promotion_class |
currency_code | currency_code |
archived | archived_flag |
enabled | enabled_flag |
disable_globally_exclusion | disable_global_exclusion_flag |
exclusivity | exclusivity |
assignment_information::campaign_id | campaign_id |
assignment_information::schedule_type | promotion_schedule_type |
assignment_information::end_date | promotion_end_date |
creation_date | created_at |
last_modified | updated_at |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Promotion Custom Attribute Values
Endpoint: SFCC Promotions
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | promotion_id |
key | custom_attribute_key |
value | custom_attribute_value |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + key + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Promotion Tags
Endpoint: SFCC Promotions
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | promotion_id |
tags::tag_id | tag_name |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + tags::tag_id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SFCC Sites
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | site_id |
display_name::default | site_name |
storefront_status | site_status |
description | description |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Salesforce Order Managment (SOM)
Endpoint: SOM Account
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | account_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
MasterRecordId | master_record_id |
Name | name |
FirstName | first_name |
LastName | last_name |
Salutation | salutation |
MiddleName | middle_name |
Suffix | suffix |
Type | typ |
RecordTypeId | record_type_id |
ParentId | parent_id |
BillingStreet | billing_street |
BillingCity | billing_city |
BillingState | billing_state |
BillingStateCode | billing_state_code |
BillingPostalCode | billing_postal_code |
BillingCountry | billing_country |
BillingCountryCode | billing_country_code |
BillingGeocodeAccuracy | billing_geocode_accuracy |
BillingLatitude | billing_latitude |
BillingLongitude | billing_longitude |
ShippingStreet | shipping_street |
ShippingCity | shipping_city |
ShippingState | shipping_state |
ShippingStateCode | shipping_state_code |
ShippingPostalCode | shipping_postal_code |
ShippingCountry | shipping_country |
ShippingCountryCode | shipping_country_code |
ShippingGeocodeAccuracy | shipping_geocode_accuracy |
ShippingLatitude | shipping_latitude |
ShippingLongitude | shipping_longitude |
Phone | phone |
PhotoUrl | photo_url |
Industry | industry |
Website | website |
NumberOfEmployees | number_of_employees |
Description | description |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
OwnerId | owner_id |
AccountNumber | account_number |
HasOptedOutOfEmail | has_opted_out_of_email |
PersonContactId | person_contact_id |
IsPersonAccount | is_person_account |
PersonEmail | person_email |
PersonMailingStreet | person_mailing_street |
PersonMailingCity | person_mailing_city |
PersonMailingState | person_mailing_state |
PersonMailingPostalCode | person_mailing_postal_code |
PersonMailingCountry | person_mailing_country |
PersonMailingGeocodeAccuracy | person_mailing_geocode_accuracy |
PersonMailingLatitude | person_mailing_latitude |
PersonMailingLongitude | person_mailing_longitude |
PersonBirthDate | person_birth_date |
PersonHomePhone | person_home_phone |
PersonMobilePhone | person_mobile_phone |
PersonTitle | person_title |
PersonDepartment | person_department |
PersonEmailBouncedDate | person_email_bounced_date |
PersonEmailBouncedReason | person_email_bounced_reason |
PersonHasOptedOutOfEmail | person_has_opted_out_of_email |
AccountSource | account_source |
Sic | sic |
SicDesc | sic_desc |
CreatedById | created_by_id |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastActivityDate | last_activity_date |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Account Custom Attribute Values
Endpoint: SOM Account
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | account_id |
key | custom_attribute_key |
value | custom_attribute_value |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + key + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Endpoint: SOM Contacts
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | contact_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
MasterRecordId | master_record_id |
AccountId | account_id |
IsPersonAccount | is_person_account |
CanAllowPortalSelfReg | can_allow_portal_self_reg |
DoNotCall | do_not_call |
LastName | last_name |
FirstName | first_name |
Salutation | salutation |
MiddleName | middle_name |
Suffix | suffix |
Name | name |
MailingStreet | mailing_street |
MailingCity | mailing_city |
MailingState | mailing_state |
MailingPostalCode | mailing_postal_code |
MailingCountry | mailing_country |
MailingLatitude | mailing_latitude |
MailingLongitude | mailing_longitude |
MailingGeocodeAccuracy | mailing_geocode_accuracy |
Phone | phone |
Fax | fax |
MobilePhone | mobile_phone |
ReportsToId | reports_to_id |
Title | title |
Department | department |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
OwnerId | owner_id |
EmailBouncedReason | email_bounced_reason |
EmailBouncedDate | email_bounced_at |
IsEmailBounced | is_email_bounced |
HasOptedOutOfEmail | has_opted_out_of_email |
CreatedById | created_by_id |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastActivityDate | last_activity_date |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Fulfillment Orders
Endpoint: Fulfillment Order
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
AccountId | account_id |
Id | fulfillment_order_id |
OrderSummaryId | order_summary_id |
OwnerId | owner_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
IsSuspended | is_suspended |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
FulfillmentOrderNumber | fulfillment_order_number |
OrderId | order_id |
InvoiceId | invoice_id |
DeliveryMethodId | delivery_method_id |
FulfilledFromLocationId | fulfilled_from_location_id |
FulfilledToName | fulfilled_to_name |
FulfilledToStreet | fulfilled_to_street |
FulfilledToCity | fulfilled_to_city |
FulfilledToState | fulfilled_to_state |
FulfilledToPostalCode | fulfilled_to_postal_code |
FulfilledToCountry | fulfilled_to_country |
FulfilledToLatitude | fulfilled_to_latitude |
FulfilledToLongitude | fulfilled_to_longitude |
FulfilledToGeocodeAccuracy | fulfilled_to_geocode_accuracy |
FulfilledToEmailAddress | fulfilled_to_address |
FulfilledToPhone | fulfilled_to_phone |
ItemCount | item_count |
Status | status |
StatusCategory | status_category |
Type | type |
TypeCategory | type_category |
GrandTotalAmount | grand_total_amount |
TotalProductAmount | total_product_amount |
TotalAdjustmentAmount | total_adjustment_amount |
TotalDeliveryAmount | total_delivery_amount |
TotalProductTaxAmount | total_product_tax_amount |
TotalAdjustmentTaxAmount | total_adjustment_tax_amount |
TotalDeliveryTaxAmount | total_delivery_tax_amount |
TotalAmount | total_amount |
TotalTaxAmount | total_tax_amount |
TotalDeliveryAdjustAmount | total_delivery_adjust_amount |
TotalDeliveryAdjustTaxAmount | total_delivery_adjust_tax_Amount |
CreatedById | created_by_id |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Fulfillment Order Item Adjustments
Endpoint: SOM Fulfillment Order Item Adjustment
Update Method: UPESRT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | fulfillment_order_item_adjustment_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustmentNumber | fulfillment_order_item_adjustment_number |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
FulfillmentOrderLineItemId | fulfillment_order_line_item_id |
FulfillmentOrderId | fulfillment_order_id |
OrderItemAdjustmentLineSummaryId | order_item_adjustment_line_summary_id |
CampaignName | campaign_name |
CouponName | coupon_name |
PromotionName | promotion_name |
Description | description |
TotalTaxAmount | total_tax_amount |
Amount | amount |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Fulfillment Order Item Taxes
Endpoint: SOM Fulfillment Order Item Tax
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | fulfillment_order_item_adjustment_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustmentNumber | fulfillment_order_item_adjustment_number |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
FulfillmentOrderLineItemId | fulfillment_order_line_item_id |
FulfillmentOrderId | fulfillment_order_id |
OrderItemAdjustLineSummaryId | order_item_adjustment_line_summary_id |
CampaignName | campaign_name |
CouponName | coupon_name |
PromotionName | promotion_name |
Description | description |
TotalTaxAmount | total_tax_amount |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Fulfillment Order Line Items
Endpoint: SOM Fulfillment Order Line Item
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | fulfillment_order_item_tax_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
FulfillmentOrderItemTaxNumber | fulfillment_order_item_tax_number |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
FulfillmentOrderLineItemId | fulfillment_order_line_item_id |
FulfillmentOrderId | fulfillment_order_id |
OrderItemTaxLineItemSummaryId | order_item_tax_line_item_summary_id |
FulfillmentOrderItemAdjustmentId | fulfillment_order_item_adjust_id |
Type | type |
Amount | amount |
Description | description |
Rate | rate |
TaxEffectiveDate | tax_effective_date |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
LastViewedDate | last_viewed_date |
LastReferencedDate | last_referenced_date |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Fulfillment Order Line Item Custom Attribute Values
Endpoint: SOM Fulfillment Order Line Item
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
id | fulfillment_order_line_item_id |
key | custom_attribute_key |
value | custom_attribute_value |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + key + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Order Adjustment Group Summaries
Endpoint: SOM Order Adjustment Group Summary
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | order_adjustment_group_summary_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
Name | name |
Description | description |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_code |
OrderSummaryId | order_summary_id |
OriginalOrderAdjGroupId | original_order_adj_group_id |
Type | type |
TotalAmount | total_amount |
TotalTaxAmount | total_tax_amount |
GrandTotalAmount | grand_total_amount |
CreatedById | created_by_id |
CreatedDate | created_at |
LastModifiedById | updated_by_id |
LastModifiedDate | updated_at |
Daasity: shop_id | __shop_id |
Daasity: account_id | _account_id |
Daasity: MD5(id + __shop_id) | __sync_key |
Daasity: timestamp when loaded into DB | __synced_at |
Order Delivery Group Summaries
Endpoint: SOM Order Delivery Group Summary
Update Method: UPSERT
Table Name: [
JSON Element | Database Column |
Id | order_delivery_group_summary_id |
IsDeleted | is_deleted |
Description | description |
CurrencyIsoCode | currency_iso_Code |
OrderDeliveryGroupSummaryNumber | order_delivery_group_summary_number |
OrderSummaryId | order_summary_id |
OriginalOrderDeliveryGroupId | original_order_delivery_group_id |
OrderDeliveryMethodId | order_delivery_method_id |
EmailAddress | email_address |
PhoneNumber | phone_number |
DeliverToName | deliver_to_name |
DeliverToStreet | deliver_to_street |
DeliverToCity | deliver_to_city |
DeliverToState | deliver_to_state |
DeliverToCountry | deliver_to_country |
DeliverToLatitude | deliver_to_latitude |
DeliverToLongitude |