How to Use

This page will provide resources for how to leverage SPINS data effectively, and provide some common use cases and key metrics for context as you get started analyzing.

For more details on how to leverage syndicated data, see our Getting Started guide to Syndicated data:How to use Syndicated Data

Where to find


  • Omnichannel Dashboard

  • SPINS Dashboard

  • SPINS Scorecard

  • Category Analysis Reports (URMS)

    • Brand and Category Performance

    • Key Drivers Analysis

    • Distribution Opportunities

    • Pricing Analysis

    • Promotional Evaluation


  • SPINS Explore

  • Unified Retail Category Analysis (URMS) Explore

Key Metrics and Dimensions

+ a few additions from the Daasity team!

Product dimensions (URMS.Products)

  • Data Source: Source of the data. (filtered to = "spins")

  • Brand Name: Name of the brand.

  • Product Name: Name of the product.

  • UPC: Universal Product Code.

  • Department: Department category.

  • Category: Product category.

  • Subcategory: Product subcategory.

  • Product Type: Type of product.

  • Class: Class of the product.

  • Product Size: Size of the product.

  • Unit of Measure: Unit of measurement.

  • Pack Count: Number of packs.

  • Case Pack Count: Number of packs per case.

  • Positioning Group: Group for product positioning.

Location / Retailer dimensions (URMS.Locations)

  • Data Source: Source of the data. (filtered to = "spins")

  • Market Level: Level of the market.

  • Geography Name: Name of the geographic location.

  • Retailer Name: Name of the retailer.

  • Channel Name: Name of the retail channel (ex: Grocery).

Metrics (URMS.Sales_Report & Daasity Calculations).

  • % on Promo: Percentage of sales on promotion.

  • % Base: Percentage of baseline sales.

  • % Incremental: Percentage of incremental sales.

  • ARP: Average retail price per unit.

  • ARP YA (Year Ago): Average retail price per unit, same period last year.

  • ARP % Chg: Average retail price per unit, percent change vs year ago.

  • ARP Chg: Average retail price per unit, change vs year ago.

  • Avg # Items: Average number of items sold per store.

  • Avg # Items YA: Average number of items sold per store selling, same period last year.

  • Avg # Items % Chg: Average number of items sold per store selling, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base ARP: Average retail price for base volume.

  • Base ARP YA: Average retail price for base volume, same period last year.

  • Base ARP % Chg: Average retail price for base volume, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base ARP Chg: Average retail price for base volume, change vs year ago.

  • Base Dollars: Baseline sales projection.

  • Base Dollars YA: Baseline sales projection, same period last year.

  • Base Dollars % Chg: Baseline sales projection, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base Dollars, Promo: Baseline sales projection during promotions.

  • Base Dollars, Promo YA: Baseline sales projection during promotions, same period last year.

  • Base $/TDP: Average baseline dollar sales per point of distribution.

  • Base $/TDP YA: Average baseline dollar sales per point of distribution, same period last year.

  • Base $/TDP % Chg: Average baseline dollar sales per point of distribution, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base Units: Baseline unit sales projection.

  • Base Units YA: Baseline unit sales projection, same period last year.

  • Base Units % Chg: Baseline unit sales projection, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base Units, Promo: Baseline unit sales during promotions.

  • Base Units, Promo YA: Baseline unit sales during promotions, same period last year.

  • Base U/S/W/I: Average baseline unit sales per store, per week, per item.

  • Base U/S/W/I YA: Average baseline unit sales per store, per week, per item, same period last year.

  • Base U/S/W/I % Chg: Average baseline unit sales per store, per week, per item, percent change vs year ago.

  • Base $/S/W/I: Average baseline dollar sales per store, per week, per item.

  • Base $/S/W/I YA: Average baseline dollar sales per store, per week, per item, same period last year.

  • Base $/S/W/I % Chg: Average baseline dollar sales per store, per week, per item, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollar Discount, Promo: Total dollar value of discounts during promotions.

  • Dollar Discount, Promo YA: Total dollar value of discounts during promotions, same period last year.

  • Dollar Discount, Promo % Chg: Total dollar value of discounts during promotions, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollar Lift: Increase in dollars over baseline attributed to promotions.

  • Dollar Lift YA: Increase in dollars over baseline attributed to promotions, same period last year.

  • Dollar Lift Chg: Increase in dollars over baseline attributed to promotions, change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, Display: Total dollar sales from products displayed in stores.

  • Dollars, Display YA: Total dollar sales from products displayed in stores, same period last year.

  • Dollars, Display % Chg: Total dollar sales from products displayed in stores, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, Feat & Disp: Total dollar sales from products featured and displayed.

  • Dollars, Feat & Disp YA: Total dollar sales from products featured and displayed, same period last year.

  • Dollars, Feat & Disp % Chg: Total dollar sales from products featured and displayed, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, Feature: Total dollar sales from products featured.

  • Dollars, Feature YA: Total dollar sales from products featured, same period last year.

  • Dollars, Feature % Chg: Total dollar sales from products featured, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, Non-Promo: Total dollar sales excluding promotions.

  • Dollars, Non-Promo YA: Total dollar sales excluding promotions, same period last year.

  • Dollars, Non-Promo % Chg: Total dollar sales excluding promotions, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, Promo: Total dollar sales during promotions.

  • Dollars, Promo YA: Total dollar sales during promotions, same period last year.

  • Dollars, Promo % Chg: Total dollar sales during promotions, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollars, TPR: Total dollar sales from temporary price reductions.

  • Dollars, TPR YA: Total dollar sales from temporary price reductions, same period last year.

  • Dollars, TPR % Chg: Total dollar sales from temporary price reductions, percent change vs year ago.

  • Dollar Share: Percentage of total market sales value attributed to a product.

  • Dollar Share YA: Percentage of total market sales value attributed to a product, same period last year.

  • Dollar Share Chg: Percentage of total market sales value attributed to a product, change vs year ago.

  • $/ACV: Average dollar sales per point of distribution.

  • $/ACV YA: Average dollar sales per point of distribution, same period last year.

  • $/ACV % Chg: Average dollar sales per point of distribution, percent change vs year ago.

  • $/Stores Selling: Average dollar sales per store selling the product.

  • $/Stores Selling YA: Average dollar sales per store selling the product, same period last year.

  • $/Stores Selling % Chg: Average dollar sales per store selling the product, percent change vs year ago.

  • $/S/W/I: Average weekly dollar sales per store, per item.

  • $/S/W/I YA: Average weekly dollar sales per store, per item, same period last year.

  • $/S/W/I % Chg: Average weekly dollar sales per store, per item, percent change vs year ago.

  • $/TDP: Average dollar sales per point of distribution.

  • $/TDP YA: Average dollar sales per point of distribution, same period last year.

  • $/TDP % Chg: Average dollar sales per point of distribution, percent change vs year ago.

  • Incremental Dollars: Sales on promotion exceeding the projected baseline.

  • Incremental Dollars YA: Sales on promotion exceeding the projected baseline, same period last year.

  • Incremental Dollars % Chg: Sales on promotion exceeding the projected baseline, percent change vs year ago.

  • Incremental Units: Units sold on promotion exceeding the projected baseline.

  • Incremental Units YA: Units sold on promotion exceeding the projected baseline, same period last year.

  • Incremental Units % Chg: Units sold on promotion exceeding the projected baseline, percent change vs year ago.

  • Max ACV: Measures the breadth of product distribution.

  • Max ACV YA: Measures the breadth of product distribution, same period last year.

  • Max ACV Chg: Measures the breadth of product distribution, change vs year ago.

  • Non-Promo ARP: Average retail price for units sold without promotions.

  • Non-Promo ARP YA: Average retail price for units sold without promotions, same period last year.

  • Non-Promo ARP % Chg: Average retail price for units sold without promotions, percent change vs year ago.

  • % Discount, Promo: Percentage discount during promotions.

  • % Discount, Promo YA: Percentage discount during promotions, same period last year.

  • % Dollars, Promo: Percentage of dollar volume from promotions.

  • % Dollars, Promo YA: Percentage of dollar volume from promotions, same period last year.

  • % Dollars, Promo Chg: Percentage of dollar volume from promotions, change vs year ago.

  • % Promo Incrementality ($): Percentage of incremental dollar sales from promotions.

  • % Promo Incrementality ($) YA: Percentage of incremental dollar sales from promotions, same period last year.

  • % Promo, Subsidized Base ($): Percentage of promo, subsidized baseline dollar sales.

  • % Ttl Dollars, Incremental: Percentage of total dollars, incremental.

  • % Units, Promo: Percentage of unit volume from promotions.

  • % Units, Promo YA: Percentage of unit volume from promotions, same period last year.

  • % Units, Promo Chg: Percentage of unit volume from promotions, change vs year ago.

  • Promo ARP: Average retail price during promotions.

  • Promo ARP YA: Average retail price during promotions, same period last year.

  • Promo ARP % Chg: Average retail price during promotions, percent change vs year ago.

  • Promo ARP Chg: Average retail price during promotions, change vs year ago.

  • Promo U/S/W/I: Average promotional unit sales per store, per week, per item.

  • Promo U/S/W/I YA: Average promotional unit sales per store, per week, per item, same period last year.

  • Promo U/S/W/I % Chg: Average promotional unit sales per store, per week, per item, percent change vs year ago.

  • Stores Selling YA: Number of stores with items selling, same period last year.

  • Stores Selling % Chg: Number of stores with items selling, percent change vs year ago.

  • TDP: Total distribution points, breadth (ACV) x depth (Avg # Items)

  • TDP YA: Total distribution points, same period last year.

  • TDP % Chg: Total distribution points, percent change vs year ago.

  • TDP Chg: Total distribution points, change vs year ago.

  • U/Stores Selling: Average units per store selling the product.

  • U/Stores Selling YA: Average units per store selling the product, same period last year.

  • U/Stores Selling % Chg: Average units per store selling the product, percent change vs year ago.

  • Unit Lift: Increase in units over baseline attributed to promotions.

  • Unit Lift YA: Increase in units over baseline attributed to promotions, same period last year.

  • Unit Lift Chg: Increase in units over baseline attributed to promotions, change vs year ago.

  • Unit Sales: Total number of units sold.

  • Units YA: Total number of units sold, same period last year.

  • Units % Chg: Total number of units sold, percent change vs year ago.

  • Units Chg: Total number of units sold, change vs year ago.

  • Units, Non-Promo: All unit sales, excluding units sold on promotion.

  • Units, Non-Promo YA: All unit sales, excluding units sold on promotion, same period last year.

  • Units, Promo: All unit sales sold on promotion.

  • Units, Promo YA: All unit sales sold on promotion, same period last year.

  • Units, Promo % Chg: All unit sales sold on promotion, percent change vs year ago.

  • Unit Share: Percentage of total units attributed to a product.

  • Unit Share YA: Percentage of total units attributed to a product, same period last year.

  • Unit Share Chg: Percentage of total units attributed to a product, change vs year ago.

  • U/ACV: Average units per point of distribution.

  • U/ACV YA: Average units per point of distribution, same period last year.

  • U/ACV % Chg: Average units per point of distribution, percent change vs year ago.

  • U/S/W: Average weekly unit sales per store, per item.

  • U/S/W/I YA: Average weekly unit sales per store, per item, same period last year.

  • U/S/W/I % Chg: Average weekly unit sales per store, per item, percent change vs year ago.

  • U/TDP: Average units per point of distribution.

  • U/TDP YA: Average units per point of distribution, same period last year.

  • U/TDP % Chg: Average units per point of distribution, percent change vs year ago.

  • Weeks Selling: Number of weeks selling.

  • Weeks Selling YA: Number of weeks selling, same period last year.

  • $ Chg Due to New Items: Sales attributed to new items.

  • $ Chg Due to Discontinued Items: Sales lost from discontinued items.

  • $ Chg Due to Distribution: Sales changes due to distribution variations.

  • $ Chg Due to Pricing: Sales changes due to pricing strategy adjustments.

  • $ Chg Due to Promotion: Sales changes due to promotions.

  • $ Chg Due to Velocity/AO: Sales changes due to overall sales rate.

  • ACV Gap: Gap in all commodity volume.

  • Dollar Opportunity: Potential dollar sales opportunity.

This list includes all standard syndicated data metrics and dimensions, as well as proprietary Daasity calculations for advanced analysis and turn-key benchmarking.

Last updated