Unified Wholesale Schema (UWS)
This page provides a detailed description of the Unified Wholesale Schema (UWS) within the Daasity Data Model and defines each table and column in this schema
The Unified Wholesale Schema (UWS) is a core data model within the Daasity transformation module that helps accelerate development of analytical capability by normalizing the sell-in, sell-out and inventory data that is often provided by retailers in a variety of formats and layouts.
The normalized schema was designed to help you in several key areas:
Utilize the Daasity Wholesale feature to easily convert your raw retailer source files into a format that can be transformed into the UWS schema
Understand overall consumer demand across all retailers at both the item level and the geographic level
Track your inventory across all retailers to determine your supply chain requirements
Understand the velocity of your sales by combining sell-in and sell-out
Act as a staging source for ingestion into our Unified Order Schema (UOS) to combine with your digital and owned retail consumer sales.
NOTE: This schema is still being developed and minor changes should be expected
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Click on this link to view the ERD for the Unified Wholesale Schema (UTS) illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.
Unified Wholesale Schema Tables
Sell-out by Day, SKU and Location [
]Sell-out by Day and Location [
]Sell-in [
]SKU Inventory [
]Current SKU Inventory [
]SKU Mapping [
]Location Mapping [
TIP: All the tables contain the following fields which can be used to track the data flow from the source system to the integration schema within the database and then to UWS, our normalized wholesale schema
__shop_id: an identifier for the retailer
__uws_integration_id: the identifier in the Daasity platform for the source data
__loaded_at: defines when the record was last loaded into this table
__synced_at: defines when the record was last replicated from the source system into the integration tables
Sell-out by Day, SKU and Location
Purpose: Enables you to compare retailer sell-out data at the day level (either provided or calculated), SKU level by using the retailer provided sales/SKU data and Location.
For retailer that cannot (or do not) provide data at the SKU/Location level this table will default to the SKU level in order to enable transformation into the UOS data model
Table Name: uws.sell_out_day_sku_location
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
country_code | Two digit code for the country of the retailer |
location_id | Identifier of the location if the sales channel is retail |
start_date | Start date of the reporting period |
end_date | End date of the reporting period |
order_date | Date of the order |
original_currency | Currency of the supplied source data |
currency_conversion_rate | Conversion rate applied to put into platform currency |
converted_currency | Currency of the converted sales |
listing_sku | Standard SKU for the item level data |
item_description | Description of the item / item name |
sales_channel | Channel of the sales - usually online or retail |
sales_dollars_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
sales_units_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
sales_price_daily | Calculated value of the daily price |
refunds_dollars_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
refunds_units_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
refunds_price_daily | Calculated value of the daily price |
Sell-out by Day and Location
Purpose: Enables you to compare retailer sell-out data at the day level (either provided or calculated) and location level by using the retailer provided sales/location data
This table was designed separately for retailers that cannot provide detailed data at the SKU/Location level and thus a secondary table is needed to enable tracking data the location level.
Table Name: uws.sell_out_day_location
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
country_code | Two digit code for the country of the retailer |
start_date | Start date of the reporting period |
end_date | End date of the reporting period |
order_date | Date of the order |
original_currency | Currency of the supplied source data |
currency_conversion_rate | Conversion rate applied to put into platform currency |
converted_currency | Currency of the converted sales |
location_id | Identifier of the location if the sales channel is retail |
sales_channel | Channel of the sales - usually online or retail |
sales_dollars_daily | If data provided weekly then replica of raw data otherwise empty |
sales_units_daily | If data provided weekly then replica of raw data otherwise empty |
sales_price_daily | Derived value of the average price for the week |
refunds_dollars_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
refunds_units_daily | If data provided daily then raw data otherwise calculation of weekly to daily data |
refunds_price_daily | Calculated value of the daily price |
Purpose: Enables you to compare retailer sell-in data across all your retailers
Table Name: uws.sell_in_sku
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
country_code | Two digit code for the country of the retailer |
order_date | Date of the sell-in order |
original_currency | Currency of the supplied source data |
currency_conversion_rate | Conversion rate applied to put into platform currency |
converted_currency | Currency of the converted sales |
listing_sku | Standard SKU for the item level data |
item_description | Description of the item / item name |
sell_in_dollars | Dollar amount of the sell-in |
sell_in_units | Units of the sell-in |
sell_in_price | Calculated value of the price for the sell-in SKU |
SKU Inventory
Purpose: Enables you to track history of inventory levels held by the retailer to provider a deeper picture of your inventory
Table Name: uws.sku_inventory
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
country_code | Two digit code for the country of the retailer |
location_id | Identifier of the location if the sales channel is retail |
inventory_date | Date of the inventory data |
listing_sku | Standard SKU for the item level data |
retail_price | Retail price (price charged to the consumer) of the SKU at the time of the inventory quantity |
cost_price | Cost price (price the retailer paid) of the SKU at the time of the inventory quantity |
on_hand_quantity | Total quantity of inventory at the warehouse |
available_quantity | Total quantity of inventory at the warehouse to sell |
committed_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that is already committed as sold but not shipped |
in_transit_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that is in-transit to the warehouse |
on_order_quantity | Total quantity of inventory has been ordered as part of a PO |
back_ordered_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that has been sold and needs to be fulfilled that is not available |
Current SKU Inventory
Purpose: Replica of the SKU inventory table created to store the current inventory to make reporting simpler by exposing this table in the schema
Table Name: uws.current_sku_inventory
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
country_code | Two digit code for the country of the retailer |
location_id | Identifier of the location if the sales channel is retail |
inventory_date | Date of the inventory data |
listing_sku | Standard SKU for the item level data |
retail_price | Retail price (price charged to the consumer) of the SKU at the time of the inventory quantity |
cost_price | Cost price (price the retailer paid) of the SKU at the time of the inventory quantity |
on_hand_quantity | Total quantity of inventory at the warehouse |
available_quantity | Total quantity of inventory at the warehouse to sell |
committed_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that is already committed as sold but not shipped |
in_transit_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that is in-transit to the warehouse |
on_order_quantity | Total quantity of inventory has been ordered as part of a PO |
back_ordered_quantity | Total quantity of inventory that has been sold and needs to be fulfilled that is not available |
SKU Mapping
Purpose: Enables you to map your item information across retailers to enable analysis by internal or retailer item naming methods
Table Name: uws.sku_mapping
Column | Description |
id | Unique id for each row |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
listing_sku | Standard SKU for the item level data |
master_sku | Normalized SKU across all system for the item |
upc_code | The UPC Code for the item |
dcpi | Item identifier in the wholesale system |
item_description | Description of the item / item name |
brand_name | Name of the brand in the wholesale system |
brand_sku | Item identifier from the brand in the wholesale system |
Location Mapping
Purpose: Enables you to add geo-location information to brick and mortar retail locations to provide geographical analytics
Table Name: uws.location_mapping
Column | Description |
location_id | Identifier of the location if the sales channel is retail |
retailer | Friendly name of the retailer |
location_name | Name of the location |
region | Region the retailer assigns to the store |
city | City of the location |
state | State of the location |
zip | Zipcode of the location |
longitude | Longitude of the location |
latitude | Latitude of the location |
Last updated