Data Reporting Platform (DRP)

This page provides a detailed description of the Daasity Reporting Platform (DRP) within the Daasity Data Model and defines each table in this schema


The Data Reporting Platform [drp] is the initial Data Mart model designed by Daasity and is the schema that contains all of the reporting and analysis tables that are derived from the different Unified Schemas.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Click on this link to view the ERD for the Data Reporting Platform [drp] illustrating the different tables in the schema and the functional area of the tables.

Tables & Source Code

There are eleven (11) different groups of reporting and analysis tables in this schema:

Initialization Tables

  • [drp.data_validation] - this table is truncated each day and populated at the end of each SQL script to track duplicates and total execution time

  • [drp.integration_mapping] - this table is populated from the platform.account_integrations table and is used to normalize information for each integration in the account

  • [drp.calendar] - this table is recreated every day to calculate the correct dates used when performing comparisons for Today, Yesterday, Week to Date, Month Date for values like This Year and Last Year. This table makes it very easy to perform comparisons that are properly date adjusted to ensure that comparisons are done correctly for a Retail Calendar. This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the "Calendar" view

  • [drp.currency_exchange_rates] - this table is updated each day to add the current currency exchange rate enabling currency conversion from over 180 currencies to the currency of the account

  • [drp.amazon_currency_mapping] - this table maps the different Marketplace at Amazon to the appropriate currency and is critical for merchants that have an Amazon presence

Order Status Tables

  • [drp.order_status] - this table is derived from the UOS tables and contains summary information for each order that is used to populate two important fields [valid_order_flag] and [valid_order_flag_daasity] that determine how the source Commerce platform identifies an order as well as how the standard Daasity logic identifies an order into different buckets. This table also includes a number of other key dimensions to help with order analysis such as flags for discount, refund, subscription, first, and last order. This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the "Order Status" view

  • [drp.order_business_unit] - this table contains a record for each order and stores information both the the Daasity UI that provides information on the Commerce integration (such as the country, business channel, etc.) and information from the integration that provides information such as the sales channel, currency, etc. This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the "Order Business Unit" view.

Order Channel and Marketing Tables

  • [drp.order_channel_source] - this table contains one record for each order and attribution method in the original Daasity attribution - last click, first click, discount code mapping using the BSD, Fairing Integration and the resulting out-of-box Daasity logic. This design makes it easy to add additional model types to the data model and then rank the attribution type in order to generate an overall attribution.

  • [drp.order_channel] - this table contains a single record for each order and transposes the [drp.order_channel_source] table into a flat table. This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the "Order Channel" view.

Daily Plan Tables

  • [drp.daily_plan] - this table is created from the Revenue Plan BSD and creates a revenue target for each day / store combination

  • [drp.daily_marketing_plan] - this table is created from the Marketing Budget BSD and creates a spend target for each day / vendor combination

Order and Order Line Revenue Tables

  • [drp.order_line_revenue] - this table is dependent onthe UOS and Order Status tables and contains one record for each item (SKU) in every order. This table is designed to enable analysis down to the order-item level including profitability as it allocates order-level discounts, revenue (ex: shipping) and costs (ex: fulfillment, marketing) to each order line. This table is optimized for reporting and is the source for the "Order Line Revenue" view

  • [drp.product_affinity] - this table contains one record for each unique combination of order lines within an order and also from the first to second order. This enables product mix analysis to determine what customers are buying in the same cart and also from the first to second card. Note: the table will only include one unique combination thus an order with two products will only have one row as Product A with Product B is the same as Product B with Product A

Plan to Actual Tables

  • [drp.daily_plan_to_actual] - this table combines the actual sales data from UOS with the [drp.daily_plan] table to optimize reporting for revenue forecast to actual. The table is the source for the "Daily Plan to Actual" view

  • [drp.daily_plan_to_actual_marketing] - this table combined the actual spend from UMS with the [drp.daily_marketing_plan] table to optimize reporting on planned marketing to spend to actual spend. The table is the source for the "Daily Marketing Plan to Actual Marketing Performance" view

Customer Tables

  • [drp.customers] - this table contains one row for each customer from the source Commerce platforms and contains contact information and a link from the source Commerce customer record to the householded customer record. The table is the source for the "Customers" view

  • [drp.customer_profiles] - this table contains one row for each householded customer and contains information across first, second, last order, summary revenue and order information and segmentation information. This table can be joined with a number of other tables to enable sophisticated analysis by segmenting into different customer groups. This table is the source for the "Customer RFM & First/Second/Last Order" view

  • [drp.historical_customer_segmentation] - this table contains one record for each unique customer / month since they have been a customer. The table calculates the revenue amounts for the customer during that month and the customer segment for that customer at the start of each month. This table can help track business performance at the customer level over time and indicate key areas of focus to improve customer performance. This table is the source for the "Customer Segments - Historical" view

  • [drp.retention_performance] - this table contains two records for each unique customer - one for last month and one for this month. The table summarizes the customer level revenue performance through yesterday and combines this with the customer segmentation from the [drp.customer_profiles] table to provide reporting on how each customer segment is performing month over month. This table is the source for the "CUstomer Retention Performance MTD" view

  • [drp.customers_fo_sku_lkp] - this table contains one record for each order item in a customers first order and can be used to additionally segment data based on the products in a customers first order. This table is the source for the "Customer First Order SKU Lookup Table" table

  • [drp.sku_level_repurchase_rates] - this table contains one record for each SKU and calculates the repurchase performance for each SKU. This table is the source for the "SKU Level Repurchase Rates" view

    • This table is expected to be deprecated later this year as a customer level SKU repurchase rate table is developed

Subscription Tables

  • [drp.subscribers] - this table contains one record for each subscriber and summarizes information for all the subscriptions associated with that subscriber. This table is the source for the "Subscribers" view

  • [drp.subscription_profiles] - this table contains one record for each subscription and provides summary and status information on the performance of the subscription. This table is the source for the "Subscription Details" view

  • [drp.subscription_churn_tob] - this table contains one record for each subscription and time period (tob - time on books) since the subscription started. This tables tracks the status of the subscription over time helping track churn performance at the subscription level. This table is the source for the "Subscription Churn Time Series" view

  • [drp.subscription_churn_monthly] - this table contains one record for each subscription product, shipping interval period and month to track the overall performance / churn of a particular subscription type. This table is the source for the "Subscription Monthly Churn Rates" view

  • [drp.subscriber_churn_monthly] - this table contains one record for each month and tracks the summary subscriber performance of the subscription program. This table is the source for the "Subscriber Monthly Churn Rates" view

  • [drp.subscription_shipment_series] - this table contains one record for each future shipment in a subscription and provides information to determine the future volume of orders. This table is the source for the "Subscription Future Charges" view

LTV Tables

  • [drp.ltv_time_series] - this table contains one record for each householded customer and 30-day time period (tob) since their first order. The table contains summary sales data for each time period and provides the ability to easily determine lifetime value and repurchase performance across customer segments. This table is the source for the "Lifetime Value" view

  • [drp.ltv_cac] - this table contains one record for each month and marketing channel. The table provides summary information through yesterday on the overall sales performance of each channel and month of acquisition combination to calculate LTV:CAC ratios. This table is the source for the "LTV/CAC" view

Product and Inventory Tables

  • [drp.inventory_level_history] - this table takes the [uos.inventory_levels] table and creates a snapshot on a daily basis capturing historical inventory information to help with merchants / inventory analytics.

  • [drp.sku_attributes] - this table contains one record for each SKU and summarizes data across different Commerce platforms to find the most recent product information for each SKU. This table is the source for the "SKU Attributes" view

Notification Tables

  • [drp.notification_campaign_detail] - this table contains one record for each individual email / SMS send or push notifications and contains summary information on the customer level interaction with that specific send / push. This design enables joins to customer information resulting in the ability to understand email / SMS / push performance based on different customer segments. This table is the source for the "Email & SMS Campaign Details" view

  • [drp.notification_product_purchase_view_through] - this table contains one record for each order line attributed to an individual send. This design enables a number of different analyses to be performed from campaign level product performance to product performance based on customer segments and campaign types. This table is the source for the "Product Level Performance - View Through" view

  • [drp.notifications_customer_profile] - this table contains one record for each email address in the UNS schema and summarizes the customer interaction with email, SMS and push notifications. This table is the source for the "Customer Segments" view

  • [drp.notification_file_size_monthly] - this table contains one record for each contact and month to track the subscribe / unsubscribe status history of each contact over time. This table is the source for the "Email & SMS File Size History - Monthly" view

  • [drp.notification_enagaged_file_size] - this table contains one record for each contact and month to track the email / SMS engagement history of each contact over time (if the customer clicked on an email / SMS) . This table is the source for the "Email & SMS Engaged File Size History - Monthly" view

Users with access to our Code Repository feature can review our code in the following Github repository:

  • Base DRP Code - Github repository with our base code

  • Pro DRP Code - Github repository with code specific to our enterprise transformation

Last updated

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