Integration Specifications

This article will help you learn about how Daasity replicates data from Google Analytics (Universal. limitations to the data we can extract and where the data is stored in the Google Analytics schema.

Integration Overview

Google Analytics is Google's free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website. It provides valuable insights that can help you to shape the success of your business.

The Daasity V2 Base Google Analytics extractor pulls a standard set of data via the Core Reporting API. The Core Reporting API is a report generation API and requires parameters to be passed into the API. The request generates a report that is a summary roll-up of session level data that is stored within GA and returned as an aggregate summary.

NOTE: The API has limitations on the level of granularity that can be returned:

  • Dimensions are limited to 7 per report

  • Metrics are limited to 10 per report

Daasity queries each report for each day which thus removes the need to include the ga:Date as a parameter and thus allowing the full 7 dimensions to be used.

Integration Availability

This integration is available for:

  • Growth

  • Enterprise

API Endpoints

The Google Analytics extractor is built based on this Google Analytics Reporting API documentation. The following endpoint is used by Daasity to replicate data from Google Analytics:

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Click here to view the ERD for the Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) integration illustrating the different tables and keys to join across tables.

Google Analytics Schema

The Daasity V2 Google Analytics extractor creates these tables using the endpoints and replication methods listed. The data is mapped from source API endpoint to the table based on the mapping logic outlined in each table.​

Base Traffic

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_traffic

Base Shopping Stage

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_shopping_stage

Base PDP Performance

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_pdp_performance

Base Transactions

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_transactions

NOTE: There are three extractions being made for this report, due to dimension limits within an extraction. The primary table (ga.base_transactions) will contain the full set of columns while their stage tables (ga.base_transactions_stg2 and ga.base_transactions_stg3) will have a subset of metrics. Stage tables are stitched together to complete the primary table, updating rows with matching sync keys.

Base Transactions Stage 2

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_transactions_stg2

NOTE: There are three extractions being made for this report, due to dimension limits within an extraction. The primary table (ga.base_transactions) will contain the full set of columns while their stage tables (ga.base_transactions_stg2 and ga.base_transactions_stg3) will have a subset of metrics. Stage tables are stitched together to complete the primary table, updating rows with matching sync keys.

Base Transactions Stage 3

  • Endpoint: Reports

  • Update Method: UPSERT

  • Table Name: ga.base_transactions_stg3

NOTE: There are three extractions being made for this report, due to dimension limits within an extraction. The primary table (ga.base_transactions) will contain the full set of columns while their stage tables (ga.base_transactions_stg2 and ga.base_transactions_stg3) will have a subset of metrics. Stage tables are stitched together to complete the primary table, updating rows with matching sync keys.

Although the GA Core Reporting data extract is API based the best way to sample data is via the Query Explore supplied by Google:

Last updated