Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central Integration Documentation


Amazon Vendor Central data provides detailed insights into sales performance, traffic, product analysis, and inventory health across various categories and locations. Integrating this data into Daasity's Unified Retail Schema (URS) allows for comprehensive analysis and reporting, helping businesses make informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

Core Use Cases

Sales Performance Analysis

Analyze sales performance over different time periods to identify growth trends, seasonal variations, and the impact of marketing initiatives. Understand what drives your sales and use this information to make strategic adjustments.

Monitor Traffic Performance

Track glance views to monitor the traffic performance of your product detail pages. Gauge customer interest and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by analyzing the number of views.

Product Analysis

Conduct a detailed analysis of individual products, including metrics like ordered and shipped revenue, customer returns, and the impact of various selling programs. Use this analysis to guide inventory management, pricing strategies, and promotional planning.

Inventory Status and Health

Track inventory levels, sell-through rates, and out-of-stock rates to maintain optimal stock levels, reduce excess inventory, and improve supply chain efficiency. Monitor the health of your inventory to ensure smooth operations.


Below are the key metrics tracked for Amazon Vendor Central data:


  • Dollar Sales (Net Sales): Total revenue generated from sales.

  • Unit Sales: Total number of units sold.

  • Shipped COGS: Cost incurred by Amazon for shipped goods.

  • Ordered COGS: Cost of goods ordered but not yet shipped by Amazon.

  • Shipped Revenue: Revenue generated from products shipped to customers.

  • Ordered Revenue: Revenue from products ordered, including both shipped and not yet shipped items.

  • Shipped Units: Number of product units shipped by Amazon.

  • Ordered Units: Number of product units ordered, including both shipped and not yet shipped items.


  • Glance Views: Number of views to the product detail page, indicating customer interest.


  • On Hand Inventory

    • Sellable Units: Number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in sellable condition.

    • Unsellable Units: Number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in unsellable condition.

  • On Order Inventory

    • On Order Units: Number of units included in open purchase orders.

  • Inventory Cost

    • Unhealthy Inventory Cost: Excess cost of inventory based on forecasted demand.

    • Net Received Inventory Cost: Net cost of inventory received by Amazon after subtracting returns to the supplier.

  • Sell Through Rate: Rate of units shipped compared to the units on hand at the start of the period, plus any received units.

  • Report Run Date: The date the report was generated, providing a timestamp for when the data was captured.


Data Model

Comparison Periods

  • YoY (Year-over-Year): Compare the current period's metrics to the same period in the previous year.

  • PoP (Period-over-Period): Compare the current period's metrics to the previous period.

Retailer Traffic

  • start_date: The beginning of the reporting period.

  • asin: The Amazon standard identification number.

  • end_date: The end of the reporting period.

  • glance_views: The number of views of the product detail page.

  • report_run_date: The date the report was generated.

Retailer Sales

  • start_date: The beginning of the reporting period.

  • asin: The Amazon standard identification number.

  • distributor_view: Indicates the distributor view applied to the data (Manufacturing or Sourcing).

  • customer_returns: The number of units returned by customers.

  • end_date: The end of the reporting period.

  • ordered_revenue_amount: The revenue for products ordered but not yet shipped by Amazon.

  • ordered_revenue_currency_code: The currency type for ordered revenue.

  • ordered_units: The number of product units ordered but not yet shipped by Amazon.

  • report_run_date: The date the report was generated.

  • selling_program: The selling program for the product (e.g., Retail).

  • shipped_cogs_amount: The cost incurred by Amazon for shipped goods.

  • shipped_cogs_currency_code: The currency type for shipped cost of goods sold.

  • shipped_revenue_amount: The revenue that Amazon makes from your products based on their selling price and the time of shipment.

  • shipped_revenue_currency_code: The currency type for shipped revenue.

  • shipped_units: The number of product units shipped by Amazon.

Retail Analytics Inventory

  • start_date: The beginning of the reporting period.

  • asin: The Amazon standard identification number.

  • distributor_view: Indicates the distributor view applied to the data (Manufacturing or Sourcing).

  • selling_program: The selling program for the product.

  • aged_90_plus_days_sellable_inventory_cost_amount: The cost of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition.

  • aged_90_plus_days_sellable_inventory_cost_currency_code: The currency type for the sellable inventory cost.

  • aged_90_plus_days_sellable_inventory_units: The number of units that are at least 90 days old and in sellable condition.

  • average_vendor_lead_time_days: The average number of days from when the vendor receives a purchase order to when inventory is received in a fulfillment center.

  • end_date: The end of the reporting period.

  • net_received_inventory_cost_amount: The net amount received by Amazon after subtracting returns to the supplier.

  • net_received_inventory_cost_currency_code: The currency type for the net received inventory cost.

  • net_received_inventory_units: The net units received by Amazon after subtracting returns to the supplier.

  • open_purchase_order_units: The number of units included in open purchase orders.

  • procurable_product_out_of_stock_rate: The out-of-stock rate for procurable products.

  • report_run_date: The date the report was generated.

  • sell_through_rate: The number of units shipped compared to the number of units at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same period.

  • sellable_on_hand_inventory_cost_amount: The cost of inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in sellable condition.

  • sellable_on_hand_inventory_cost_currency_code: The currency type for the sellable inventory cost.

  • sellable_on_hand_inventory_units: The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in sellable condition.

  • unfilled_customer_ordered_units: The number of units ordered but not yet shipped.

  • unhealthy_inventory_cost_amount: The excess cost of inventory based on forecasted demand.

  • unhealthy_inventory_cost_currency_code: The currency code for the unhealthy inventory cost.

  • unhealthy_inventory_units: The excess units of inventory based on forecasted demand.

  • unsellable_on_hand_inventory_cost_amount: The cost of inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in unsellable condition.

  • unsellable_on_hand_inventory_cost_currency_code: The currency type for the unsellable inventory cost.

  • unsellable_on_hand_inventory_units: The number of units in inventory at Amazon fulfillment centers that are in unsellable condition.

  • vendor_confirmation_rate: The rate at which vendors confirm units out of the total units requested by Amazon.

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