Integration Setup

This page will help you setup {data source} for the first time, and provide instructions for recurring data updates as needed.

Step 1: Navigate to 'New Integration' screen

In the Daasity app, click Integrations in the left-hand menu, and then the New Integration button in the upper-right corner.

Step 2: Choose the [[integration name]] integration

In the search box, type "[[what to search for]]" and choose the [[integration name]] integration.

[[Replace screenshot below]]

Step 3: Name the integration

Give the integration a name. This is the name that will be displayed in your integrations list in the Daasity app.

[[Replace screenshot below]]

[[Step N: List whatever other steps needed to get Daasity access]]

Step [[5]]: Load history

[[Add a note if there is some restriction on how much history they can load]]

From the integration details screen, trigger a load of up to 5 years of history:

Last updated